Connecting Your Website to Google Analytics

Create a Google Analytics account

Your first step is to set up a Google Analytics account, unless you already have one. Skip to creating a property unless you want to create a separate account for this website and/or app. For example, you might want to create another account if this website and/or app belong(s) to a separate business.

  1. In Admin, in the Account column, click Create Account.
  2. Provide an account name. Configure the data-sharing settings to control which data you share with Google.
  3. Click Next to add the first property to the account.

Create a new Google Analytics 4 property

You need the Editor role to add properties to a Google Analytics account. If you created this account, you automatically have the Editor role. You can add up to 100 properties (any combination of Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4 properties) to an Analytics account. To raise this limit, contact your support representative.

To create a property:

  1. Are you continuing from “Create an Analytics account”, above? If so, skip to step 2. Otherwise,
    • In Admin, look at the Account column to make sure that you’ve selected the right account. Then, in the Property column, click Create Property.
  2. Enter a name for the property (e.g. “My Business, Inc website”) and select the reporting time zone and currency. If a visitor comes to your website on a Tuesday in their time zone, but it’s Monday in your time zone, the visit is recorded as having occurred on Monday.
    • If you choose a time zone that honors Daylight Savings Time, Analytics automatically adjusts for time changes. Use Greenwich Mean Time if you don’t want to adjust for Daylight Savings Time.
    • Changing the time zone only affects data going forward. If you change the time zone for an existing property, you may see a flat spot or a spike in your data, caused by the time shift forwards or backwards, respectively. Report data may refer to the old time zone for a short period after you update your settings, until Analytics servers have processed the change.
    • We recommend that you change the time zone for a property no more than once per day so Analytics can process the change.
  3. Click Next. Select your industry category and business size.
  4. Click Create and accept the Analytics Terms of Service and the Data Processing Amendment.

Add a data stream

  1. Are you continuing from “Create a property”, above? If so, skip to step 2. Otherwise,
    1. In Admin, look at the Account column to make sure that you have your desired account selected. Then, look at the Property column to make sure that you have your desired property selected.
    2. In the Property column, click Data Streams > Add stream.
  2. Click on Web.
  1. Enter the URL of your primary website, e.g., “”, and a Stream name, e.g. “Example, Inc. (web stream)”.
  2. You have the option to enable or disable enhanced measurement. Enhanced measurement automatically collects page views and other events. Once the data stream has been created, you can always go back and individually disable the enhanced measurement events you don’t want to collect. So, we recommend that you enable enhanced measurement now.
  3. Click Create stream.

Now follow the instructions to find your “G-” ID and paste it into the Google Analytics field on you website.

To find your “G-” ID:

  1. In Google Analytics, click Admin.
  2. Make sure you are in the correct account and property.
  3. In the Property column, click Data streams.
  4. Click the data stream for your website.
  5. Your “G-” ID appears in the top right.

Now enter your “G-” ID into your website. Start by navigating to Insights » Settings found on the left-hand side of your website dashboard.

Next, click on the blue button Connect MonsterInsights.

You will now be taken to a screen that will let you pick which Google Account you want to sign in with. Make sure to sign in to the account that you used to make your Google Analytics property.

Next, click the Allow button to give MonsterInsights access to your Google Analytics data.

You’ll be given the option to choose the website profile you want to Authenticate with MonsterInsights.

In the dropdown, find your website and then click Complete Connection.

That’s it! You’re all set.

It can take up to 24 hours for the MonsterInsights dashboard to display your data.

Once it does, you can go to Insights » Reports to see how your site is doing.

That’s it! Now you know how to connect to Google Analytics with MonsterInsights.